The Art of Asking by Amanda Palmer challenges us as entrepreneurs, as creatives, as people to shift our paradigm — to think of asking something of others not as a show of weakness or selfishness, but as an invitation into an exchange. And to believe that this exchange is one of mutuality that asks something of and gives something to each person. Author Amanda Palmer is a musician and artist who invites the reader into her personal journey of growth into this way of thinking. From her impetus as the 8-foot-bride street performer who for years exchanged what on the surface might have looked like a few dollars thrown into a hat for the token of a flower from her bouquet but in reality was exchanging a moment of connection for two strangers on the street to really see one another.

By unpacking the true meaning of the term “Indian Giver”, Amanda describes the culture of exchange in Native American context to be one where something was given to a guest with the expectation that it would continue to be passed along. And so the look, that might have been mistaken as expecting that thing back, was actually one of expectation that it would be passed along in a spirit of generosity. A true economy of abundance. She sums it up saying:

“Whatever we’ve been given is supposed to b given away. Not kept… The essential thing is this: The gift must always move.”

That is the desire here at the Impact Guild. Words like “community” and “collaboration” are often thrown around, but they can’t exist without this culture of exchange — this art of asking. And so, we’re constantly growing into that. So please bring your ideas and passions and use them to host a book club, or an art night, or a workshop — realize that as you are asking people to see your art, your coaching, your product, your meal, they are seeing you and you are seeing them. And that exchange is the very foundation of community. Learn more about how to be a part of our community.

Want the short version? Watch Amanda Palmer’s TED Talk here.

The Impact Guild is a collaborative coworking space in San Antonio, Texas. Our impact-oriented members represent a wide variety of industries but unite behind the common goal of implementing positive social change in our community. Learn more about our mission here.